

Laura Pillman, Artist Lecturer of Flute at Northeastern State University, is an active performer and teacher throughout the United States and Europe. She has performed internationally at major venues worldwide, including Carnegie Hall, the Rudofinum, Estates Theater, Meyerson Symphony Center, and Murchison Performing Arts Center among many more. She is in demand as a performer of new and electroacoustic compositions and was contracted for a performance at the 41st International Computer Music Conference.


Ms. Pillman performed as a soloist with the Coeur d’Alene Symphony Orchestra as the winner of the Coeur d’Alene International Young Artist Competition, and recently returned from Romania as a finalist in the 16th Gheorge Dima International Music Competition. She has been a prizewinner in several competitions, including the Protégé International Music Talent Competition, Grand Prize Virtuoso Competition, MTNA Young Artist Competition and Oklahoma Flute Society Collegiate Competition.


University of North Texas

In progress DMA

Bowling Green State University

2012-2014 MM

Baldwin Wallace University

2008-2012 BM
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