

Manchusa Loungsangroong (b. 1987)

A native of Thailand, Loungsangroong recently earned her Doctor of Musical Arts in Clarinet Performance from the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, where she served as a graduate teaching assistant and administrative assistant. There, her responsibilities included teaching Woodwind Techniques course and assisting the clarinet professor, Dr. Caroline Hartig. With OSU Wind Symphony, she has performed at Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and recorded a CD for Naxos Music Library. Loungsangroong has been performing with the Opera Fayetteville since 2012. She had performed in Cividale del Friuli and Camerino, Italy, where she studied with Nicola Bulfone and Sergio Bosi.

Formerly, she was an associate principal clarinet of the Arkansas Philharmonic Orchestra. She performed at Conductors Symposium Chamber Winds and Black Composers Symposium in Fayetteville, Arkansas in 2012-13. She has appeared at many major clarinet conventions including International Clarinet Association ClarinetFest, International Clarinet Association Mid-America Festival, Texas Clarinet Colloquium, Arkansas Clarinet Day, and Clarinet Symposium in Oklahoma, where she participated in master classes with Larry Guy, Richard Hawkins, Robert Dilutis, and Guy Yehuda. Her principle teachers include Dr. Caroline Hartig, Dr. Nophachai Cholthitchanta, and Sarah Mickey.


Ohio State University

2014-2017 Doctor of Musical Arts
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